K. Chandrasekhara Babu has been a longstanding friend of U.G. in India. Soon after his meeting U.G. in 1969, Chandrasekhar started a journal and has maintained it all these years. The journal now comprises many volumes. We thought that some of the contents of these volumes would be of interest not only to U.G.'s Indian audiences, but also to his international readers. Our main interest in bringing out this book is to make some otherwise inaccessible material, particularly concerning events surrounding U.G.'s movements in India from about the time of his Calamity, available to the reader.
It was hard to keep any strict chronological order in the journals, as the journals flash back and forth in time. However, to give the reader a sense of the time, we have, wherever possible, included a time reference in each excerpt. The Contents reflects the range of topics of narration in the text.
Book One is the journal, followed by excerpts from book reviews and radio or TV interviews with various well-known personalities. Book Two, excerpts from U.G.'s dialogues, is Chandrasekhar's compilation based on various audio tapes.
Thanks to Wendy Moorty for her invaluable editorial assistance.