You Are That Movement of Thought It is very difficult to understand the area between opposites. If I say I have no friends, it does not mean that I have enemies. If I say that I have no enemies, it does not mean that everybody is a friend to me. So how can you understand the state of being where you have neither friends nor enemies?
So you always swing like a pendulum from one end to the other. That is the movement of thought. It is always between these pairs of opposites. You cannot conceive a state of being where these pairs of opposites do not exist at all.
Q: But why is it so natural?
U.G.: Don't say it is so natural. It is so unnatural—the unnatural thing you have accepted as natural. That is our tragedy. You have never questioned that, because if you begin to question, your existence is at stake. You are that. You are not different from this movement of thought.
What is necessary for you is to understand the machinery that is functioning inside of you—the movement of thought. Supposing I tell you, "This is the way"—then where are you? You experience what I tell you. This knowledge you are going to use and create a state of being and think that you have experienced God, that you have experienced Reality, or that you have experienced truth. But that is not the truth. That is not God.